Paper tape quick match

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Paper tape quick match is basically a hollow length of paper tape with an inner core that is coated with black powder. When lit, the black powder ignites and the flame rapidly shoots down the core igniting the fuses along the way. Using paper tape quick match is quick and easy, and it is a great way to make short lengths of quick match without the use of black match. It functions just like normal quick match and can be made in just under a minute once you are experienced in its manufacture.


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Black Powder
Almost any type of black powder can be used to make the paper tape quick match, with the exception of green mix. Green mix performs poorly and will not react as quickly as meal powder or lift powder. In this example we are going to be using standard meal powder.

A sheet of paper, spreading knife and spoon and good quality paper tape.


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Cut two 20 cm lengths of paper tape and lay them adhesive side up on your sheet of paper on a table. Longer lengths can be used however it does become more difficult to manage. The purpose of the sheet of paper is to catch any excess black powder.

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Place a generous scoop of black powder at one end of your length of paper tape and using a knife spread the black powder over the entire adhesive surface. If you are using granulated black powder it is best to sprinkle it over 50-60 percent of the surface area of the adhesive side, as it is unnecessary to use any more than this. Shake off any excess black powder onto the sheet of paper.

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Next step is to fold the paper tape in half lengthways. This can be a little tricky at first, but an easier way of doing this is to start in the middle. Carefully fold the centre together and in the process you will see it will bring the outer ends closer together which now makes it easier to fold.

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Place the folded edge of paper tape on the outer edge of the second strip of paper tape, so that the open end is in the middle. Making sure the folded strip is closed; fold the second strip over the top to complete the seal. Run your index finger along the tape to ensure the quick match is completely sealed.

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Now using your thumb and index finger slide the tape through your fingers so that the outer edges are in contact with your fingers. Apply gentle pressure as you do this and in the process it will open the inner folded paper tape forming into a hollow tube.

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Trim the outer edges of the length of quick match with a pair of scissors. Insert your fuse at each end and secure in place with additional paper tape. If required small slits can be made along the length of paper tape quick match and additional fuses can be inserted into these holes. When using this fuse and securing it to your device do not close the ends as the quick match will explode. Both ends need to be open to allow the very hot gases and flame to escape.


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Paper tape quick match - 1.5meg - A test burn of a 20 cm length of paper tape quick match which was made in this tutorial. At both ends of the quick match a 5 cm piece of visco fuse is inserted and the fuses are secured to a section of wood. The flame shoots from one end to the other and ignites the visco fuse at the opposite end.