Yellow Glitter

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Yellow Glitter is a glitter composition developed by Dr. Winokur that produces gold flashes and leaves a yellow tail. It works for all size stars, from 1/4" up to large comets. The smaller stars tend to make a "cloud" effect, where stars 3/4" and larger leave long tails and are suitable for comets.

Potassium nitrate 48
Charcoal, Airfloat 9
Sulfur 11
Aluminum, 12-20 micron, atomised 9
Antimony trisulfide, Chinese Needle 10
Sodium bicarbonate or Sodium oxalate 9
Dextrin 4
Boric acid +1


The article is from a skylighter newsletter, written by Mr. Chris Miller.
Skylighter - Yellow Glitter


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Yellow Glitter My 2" yellow glitter dahlia shell.