Striker igniter

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Strike Ignition

This are compositions that can be used to replicate German firecrackers or for making matches. Scratching against a match box or rough surface will ignite the mixture. To prepare this composition, mix the potassium chlorate with the glue and carefully knead in the antimony trisulfide.

Note these compositions are very sensitive too nearly anything, and are absolutely a no-go for novices!

Potassium chlorate 60
Antimony Trisulfide 20
Glue (animal source) 20
Potassium chlorate 50
Antimony Trisulfide 20
Glue (animal source) 20
Sulfur 10
Potassium chlorate 45
Antimony Trisulfide 10
Glue (animal source) 25
Sulfur 10
Dark Titanium (!) 10
} You can not use red gum or schellac to substitute the animal glue! Animal glue is basic, which adds to the safety, while both red gum and schellac tend to be slightly acidic. (!)Dark Titanium makes compositions Extreamly sensitive, this composition can be used to coat the tip of a match made with a safer compound, resulting in a slightly safer(in the long run, amount of composition is less) match.
Potassium chlorate 45
Antimony Trisulfide 10
Glue (animal source) 25
Airfloat charcoal 10
Ground glass 10